Background of School in Tanzania

Journalism from Africa for Africa The evolution of the formal education system in Tanzania can be traced back to the later half of the 19th century. That is to say, during…


Journalism from Africa for Africa

Firewood is essential source of energy in rural and urban areas in Tanzania and Africa. Its main source of cooking energy in many African countries Its main source of cooking energy in many…


Investing on the African Continent

Light and shadow The development of the economies in Africa is diverse and inhomogeneous, which means that there are considerable differences between the regions and countries. Prosperity is more likely…


Journalism from Africa for Africa

Arusha Tourist City and Used Plastic Bottles Collection Arusha is one of the cities in East Africa that has been so much affected with plastic bottles waste. The plastic bottles…


Journalism from Africa for Africa

Mbege – The Chagga Traditional Brew Mbege is a main traditional (local) brew of a famous Chagga tribe found in Eastern Africa that originates in the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.…

Read more about the article A new series: The UN in Africa
Police officers serving with the UN Police (UNPOL) for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), visit the Grace orphanage in Kibati, North Kivu Province, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The visit took place in conjunction with the International Day of the African Child (16 June). Among the officers are Seynabou Diouf from Senegal, who was selected as the 2019 United Nations Female Police Officer of the Year.

A new series: The UN in Africa

The Congo Confusions 1960 - 1964 The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a central river in Africa. It is crossed by the Congo River. The forerunners of the former…