My name is Dr. Thomas Isenburg and I am a science journalist. You can find my professional profile here:
I have been writing articles on renewable energies with a strong technical focus for over 10 years. The basis of my subject matter has been cutting-edge scientific innovations and ideas, expert discussions regarding these innovations, and research trips. My written work is accompanied by professional photos to help bolster understanding and spark further intrigue. Through my many years of work, technology has advanced, new cooperations have been negotiated, and a large network of experts has continued to emerge. During these exciting times, I have been especially involved in the energy transition in Germany, and I have worked intensively on renewable energies in Africa. This has led to the publication of two books in the last year:
Energiewende in der Wüste: Die Vision ist bereits Realität (2019)
Emission Free Energy From the Deserts (2019)
My texts are well researched and proofread, and my images and photographs are available for publication.
Best regards,
Thomas Isenburg, Ph.D.
References: Fokus-Online, vdi-Nachrichten, Tagesspiegel, Ruhr Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund, Helmholtz Gesellschaft, Deutsches Biomassen Forschungszentrum, MM Maschinenmarkt, Produktion, Energie aus Pflanzen, Sonne Wind und Wärme, Joule, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Solarthemen, Sonnenenergie