My way to Africa

Herne in Germany: With the death of South Africa's Desmond Tutu, it came back to me: In May 1995, sponsored by the scholarship of the South African Chemical Society, I…


Journalism from Africa for Africa

Athletics and soccer Tanzania / Arusha: Athletics refers to sports events that test the athlete’s endurance, strength, and speed. It involves competitive running, walking, jumping, and throwing. Sport has been…


Hydrogen from Namibia

Dauerthal/Windhoek, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy has been announced as the preferred bidder for the implementation of a green hydrogen production project in the Tsau Khaeb National Park. The US$9.4 billion project…


Lithium sources in Morocco

Morocco: As Lithium is an essential element in producing loading batteries for cellulars and electric cars, it is becoming progressively the rival of petroleum, thus, it represents the fuel of…


Biogas players in Africa are uniting

Biogas entrepreneurs in Africa join forces to demand better working conditions and a regulation of foreign aid involvement in the sector. BiogasUnite is an initiative of local and international companies…

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